Noise of Thunder Radio Show

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Today's Show: - THE PROGRESS OF LAWLESSNESS - 2.26.2020

Chris discusses the difference between the American Revolution and the American Civil War, in light of issues taking place in our country today.  The War for Independence happened specifically because King George III and his redcoat government refused to obey the laws that pertained to all Englishmen at the time.  Could this be a picture of what is happening in our country today?  Also discussed is the controversial death of Phil Haney, one of the founders of the Department of Homeland Security.  He was found shot to death, in what many believe was murder for his role as a whistle blower against the Obama administration.  Haney was a Christian man, who we had the honor of meeting at a Worldview Weekend conference several years ago.  He warned the country about how “Obama was secretly advancing Islamic hegemony in the U.S.”




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Today's Show: - SECESSION MOVEMENTS IN AMERICA - 2.21.2020

Chris discusses the growing number of secession movements at work in the country today, as patriots across the nation are fighting back against radical left wing Democratic policies.  The interesting twist to these movements, is that they are not attempting to separate from the United States, but to divide certain states, allowing some to join other states, or to form new territories — while remaining in the union.  Meanwhile, there are other separatist movements in the country, calling for everything from a “New Afrika Republic” to the liberal “Cascadia” (the union of Washington, Oregon and British Columbia!)  We also discuss leaders who opposed division in similar circumstances (such as Alfred the Great and Abraham Lincoln), and went to war to preserve unity. 




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Today's Show: - BREXIT & BIBLE PROPHECY - 2.7.2020

Chris discusses the Biblical and prophetic implications of the Brexit vote and how it impacts the understanding of end times chronology.  Have end time prophecy charts been undone?  We hear audio of Nigel Farage relating how he believes Brexit is the most significant event “since King Henry VIII took England out of the Church of Rome” and shows how the European Union began with the Treaty of Rome.  But what will happen next?  Some are already predicting that while England may be separated from an official partnership with neighboring countries, it will still likely follow a globalist agenda politically.  We also discuss the concept of an E.U. army and the continued Marxist indoctrination in our schools, with the latest outburst from a leftist college student who shouted for “cutting the throats” of Republicans.




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NOTR - BREXIT: AT LAST! - 2.3.2020

Today's Show: - BREXIT: AT LAST! - 2.3.2020

Chris discusses the recent speech from Nigel Farage declaring that as of January 31st 2020, the Brits have finally departed from the European Union.  The speech was inspired by the bold leadership of Prime Minister Boris Johnson who, in an address to the nation, announced “Tonight we are leaving the European Union” on the eve of the thirty-first.  The E.U. is a globalist project that emerged after World War II and attempted to peacefully achieve in Europe what Hitler and the Nazis had attempted by force — the reunification of the nations of Western Europe, for the purpose of destroying the power of the people, and imposing upon them an increasingly totalitarian form of government.  We hear audio from Farage, P.M. Johnson, and from the renowned “Brexit” documentary.




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Today's Show: - PERILOUS TIMES HAVE COME - 1.24.2020

Chris discusses current world controversies in light of Bible prophecy and the warnings we have been given throughout the New Testament.  Globalists in our country continue to try and wrestle control away from the American people through the Trump impeachment process, while pushing their anti-Christian agenda politically.  We discuss the Second Amendment Rally in Virginia, along with the Coronavirus in China, and the testimony of an African philosopher who has now published a book against the denunciation of European colonialism.  He warns against the false version of history published by the Marxists, which (he believes) has much to do with the decline of Western Civilization today.




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Chris discusses a disturbing new story from Project Veritas that reports on a Bernie Sanders field organizer who threatens to “burn” down Milwaukee if the Socialist candidate does not win the nomination for the Democratic Party.  Listen to the audio as the political operative went on argue in favor of the Soviet-style gulags as “re-education” centers for America, to teach conservatives how “not to be Nazis.”  Warnings about concentration camps in the United States have been floating around for decades, yet they have been largely seen as conspiracy theories — much like Socialism and gun confiscation.  Could this be yet another conspiracy theory with more to it than was first imagined?




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