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 "I have now watched your excellent 'Tares Among the Wheat' film four times.  I am fully convinced that both Vaticanus and Sinaiticus are corrupted documents and I believe the evidence you present in your film overwhelmingly supports this fact.  I feel that this whole affair has been completely overlooked by most Christians which is a tragedy. I also think that staunch defenders of Sinaitucus and Vaticanus ... would have a very difficult time defending their claims against the evidence you provide in your film." -- Gareth Yendle, United Kingdom

The Berean Call Praises Hidden Faith Documentary

"TBC believes that The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers presents a perspective that is more historically accurate than the popular "Christian History" writers who in effect glorify the Constitution over God's Word and glamorize Washington, D.C. as a "Christian" capital." -- TBC Newsletter, 2012

"When I first encountered his film, I set out to prove that Pinto was wrong.  But after some investigation, I realized I couldn't, and neither could anybody else."  -- Brannon Howse of World View Weekend on "The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers"



by UNC Professor David A. Plaisted Ph.D.

For two or three centuries, many Protestants have given figures concerning the total number of people killed directly or indirectly by the Papacy during the Middle Ages. The numbers given include 50 million, 68 million, 100 million, 120 million, and 150 million. Roman Catholics typically give much smaller numbers. Frequently the figures are stated without any information about where they came from or how they were computed. The purpose of this note is to describe where some of these figures come from and to comment on their reliability. Surely nearly all Roman Catholics as well as Protestants disapprove of past religious persecutions, so this discussion should not reflect negatively on current members of the Roman Catholic Church. However, events in Nazi Germany show how easily persecution can revive, so it is necessary to be on guard against it and maintain an awareness of its history. Of course, many other groups besides the Papacy have persecuted. And all of us, without Christ, have the roots of sin in ourselves. The reason the Papacy stands out is that it has ruled for such a long period of time over such a large area, exercised so much power, and claimed divine prerogatives for its persecutions. The magnitude of the persecutions is important for the following reason: One can excuse a few thousand cases as exceptional, but millions and millions of victims can only be the result of a systematic policy, thereby showing the harmful results of church-state unions. In this study I have attempted, with some success, to penetrate the veil of obscurity that surrounds the Middle Ages in order to determine the true history of this period.

In order to consider this subject, it is necessary to recall many unpleasant events. The dreadful totals, computations, and examples that follow, one after another, are not for the faint hearted. These atrocities should convince us not so much of the evils of a particular religious system as of the depravity of the sinful human heart, and lead us to turn to Christ for repentance and salvation that we might have new hearts and be cleansed from sin.

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References (9)

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    50 MILLION PROTESTANTS KILLED - Christian News Articles - Noise of Thunder Radio with Chris Pinto
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    NFL is truly a single of the biggest sports in America. It has a key following.
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    Response: zona-web
    50 MILLION PROTESTANTS KILLED - Christian News Articles - Noise of Thunder Radio with Chris Pinto
  • Response
    50 MILLION PROTESTANTS KILLED - Christian News Articles - Noise of Thunder Radio with Chris Pinto
  • Response
    50 MILLION PROTESTANTS KILLED - Christian News Articles - Noise of Thunder Radio with Chris Pinto
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    50 MILLION PROTESTANTS KILLED - Christian News Articles - Noise of Thunder Radio with Chris Pinto
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    Response: rerd
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    Response: GTA 5 for android

Reader Comments (4)

Since the word "hospital" is derived form the "Knights Hospitallers", an Order from Romanism that was started with the crusades, most people today are killed in hospitals. The numbers for today therefor can never be calculated. But I would start with a Billion, because most people die in a hospital...
Well, the director of the CIA is also a Knight Hospitaller, for good reason.
Many military men are a member.
If you find this hard to believe, just do a search on them. You can see there, that they build hospitals in countries. Often after the inquisition has charged local medicine men with withcraft. For "witches", read people that heal in the way that Jesus Christ would heal people. They still get burned on the stake today in Africa.

December 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBosgeus

Mr. Pinto claims groups such as the Cathars were protestants. Yet is is clear from writings of the Cathars who have survived (do a search for gnostic library and search for Cathars) that they were dualists. Now if protestants are dualists then I will concede that Mr. Pinto may have a point in adding their numbers to the number of protestants that the CC allegedly killed.

January 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGerald

"Pinto may have a point in adding their numbers to the number of protestants that the CC allegedly killed."

Allegedly Gerald!!!

Tell that to the Protestants and Jews burned ALLEGEDLY dead in the Nazi ovens that were beautifully ordained with statues of the Queen of Heaven. Your Roman Cult and it's gods require sacrifice Gerald!!!

January 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGood Soldier

"during the Middle Ages."

PDF Article title is "in the middle ages and later."

Also not really sure how this is applicable as a response to ISIS, which is where the original recent discussion came from with Obama who then mysteriously ended up being bolstered by Brannon in this false tu quoque argument.

If you want to make comparisons, you might want to consider all wars fought by any "Christian" country as well, since the Roman Catholic lands were not separated from their governing political powers. So basically any war waged by a country was being waged (and blamed on) the church as well. Lutherans and Reformed were also looking for a way after the Reformation to come to some theological accord to join forces with the church in resisting the Turks (Muslims) who were STILL invading and pillaging "Christian" lands, which they had been doing for centuries already.

I don't see what the point is.

February 26, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPJ

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