Written by: Roger Oakland
Understanding The Times International
To see article on Roger's website click here.
Understand The Times has discovered that Calvary Chapel has been, and still does, promote a high officer in the Vatican’s Jesuitical, “Knights of Malta”. Jerry Boykin, former commander of the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center Special Forces Psychological Operations, is that man.
The Order of Malta is a religious order of the Vatican. Jerry Boykin holds the title of Grand Chancellor with the Vatican’s Jesuitical, “Knights of Malta”. See photo below and the documentation.
It is also known that The Knights of Malta openly display the Vatican’s ecumenical intentions as part of the Jesuitical Counter Reformation :
It is obvious that the Knights of Malta are the pope’s pawns. Note below:
Prince Fra Andrew Bertie, 78th Grand Master of the Order of Malta Kissing the Pope’s Ring. This is a past fellow brother of the Knight’s of Malta. Jerry Boykin is a brother of the same group and he speaks at many Calvary Chapels.
Below, is an official blessing from Pope Bendedict XVI bestowed on the Sovereign and Ecumenical Order of St. John of Jerusalem, (the Knight’s of Malta).
Below is the “public vow” of the Vatican’s Knights of Malta. This means that Jerry Boykin, an ecumenical agent of Rome, has taken this vow in order to do what he does. This is very interesting.
Vows of a Knight or Dame
Upon the True Faith of a Christian, may God witness that I hereby vow and dedicate myself as a servant of Christ and the Poor, the first qualification of a True Knight.
I promise to be faithful and loyal to Christ and to be guided by the ideals of the Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem: to do everything in my power to contribute to it’s Glory, Protection, Prosperity, Support and Utility: to combat everything prejudicial to it’s well-being: never to act contrary to it’s Dignity, but to conduct myself always as a true Knight of Christ: a good Christian and a person of Honour.
Believing that Christ will grant me a special token of his favour, I therefore, in all Humility, Charity, and Respect agree to join with every sincere and Godly Christian of whatever Church, to bring about by prayer and deed the salvation of the Christian World by helping to promote a lasting Christian Unity.
I will adorn my Knighthood with true Charity, the mother and solid foundation of all virtues.
I will wear on my person the Christian Maltese Cross of eight points, to constantly remind me of my religious vow of always bearing in my heart the Cross of Jesus Christ, adorned with the virtues that attend it.
So help me God.
Now, this is what the Bible states in James 5:12 – “But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.”
Not only is this vow unbiblical, the vow incorporates adoration to our Lady of Charity, also known as the Queen of Heaven and the Queen of Peace by the Roman Catholic faithful.
Not only is Jerry Boykin a high officer in the Vatican’s Jesuitical, Knights of Malta, so is Rick Joyner (2nd from right below).
If you are unfamiliar with Rick Joyner, watch one of his demonic events (for those who have never witnessed demonic activity, brace yourself, the first time is the worst)
Rick Joyner is President of “The Oak Initiative” along with Grand Chancellor Jerry Boykin. Remember this, as more information is presented later.
Now read a verse that warns about spiritual deception:
Mark 13:22 – “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”
Of course we know the Vatican practices the occult with the worship of Mary, praying to dead people, and much more.
At least three high officers of the Vatican’s Jesuitical, Knights of Malta, are part of an organization called the “The Oak Initiative”. They are “Prince Grand Master” Nicholas Papanicolaou, “Grand Chancellor” Jerry Boykin, and “Deputy Member of the Supreme Council” Rick Joyner.
Here is “The Oak Initiative” website:
“The Oak Initiative” website also discusses the UN’s “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”
Here is “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights” on the UN website -
The “Prince Grand Master” Nicholas Papanicolaou, of the Vatican’s Jesuitical “Knights of Malta” is also a co-founder and co-chairman of “World Public Forum Dialogue of Civilizations,” a UN partnered organization -
Here is a video of Nicholas Papanicolaou explaning what the “World Public Forum Dialogue of Civilizations” is. Right at time mark 2:26 he states “what this is really it’s a feast of humanity, it’s trying to get to discover to admit the common ground that unites humanity” -
The ONLY common ground that UNITES humanity is sin. The only hope that humanity has is trust in the shed blood of Jesus, whose name is “The Word Of God”, not Peace or the Pope.
Here is the conflicting part about Nicholas Papanicolau. He speaks very ecumenical towards Muslims in the video but in the book he wrote “Islam Versus the United States” published by Oak Initiative (and sells to American Christians), it’s not ecumenical but rather inflammatory. Here is a blurb from the book –
“This book examines the historical, koranic, cultural, political and all-conquering character of many of the followers of Islam. It also exposes the strategic plan of the Muslim Brotherhood for the USA and the as yet unfulfilled obligations of Islamic States under the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and, even, the very charter of the Organization of Islamic Conference and its fifty six member states. It concludes with a direct analogy and historical precedent to controlling radical Islam today as an all-encompassing way-of-life, namely the elimination of state Shintoism in Japan under the Potsdam Declaration of the Allies in 1945.”
As a blogger well stated –“Boykin famously regards Islam as satanic, and while speaking at the Oak Initiative Summit he declared that Muslims “curse Jesus” when they pray. Joyner’s views are of the same kind. One would think that a serious interest in the objectives of World Public Forum would be incompatible with support for the Oak Initiative’s aggressive anti-Islam and anti-intellectual fundamentalism. That’s a video worth making to explain.”
Understand The Times currently suspects the Vatican is uniting Protestants, Catholics & Mormons together by using the common hatred of Muslims as the unifier in the United States. However, this is just speculation based on observation. We know from scripture that hatred of people brings spiritual blindness. Satan blinds Christians with hatred and while in a state of blindness, he deceives. Pride brings deception, Obadiah 1:3 – “The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee…”
Luke 6:35 – “But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for He is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.”
Here is a Roman Catholic website discussing Rome’s desire for Ecumenism with all religions –
Now This is the Pope Speaking at the UN
To help you understand the significance of the Boykin- Calvary Chapel Connection, please look at the following logo taken from Knight’s of Malta web site.
Stop and think! Boykin, the pope and Calvary Chapel are connected. This is incredible.
Ecumenism will never go away until Satan is dealt with. Ecumenism is the tool of Satan to turn all to him, away from Jesus, whose name is “The Word Of God”.
Revelation 19:13 – “And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His name is called The Word of God.”
Ecumenism will happen according to last days prophecy
Ecumenism is anathema to “The Word Of God”. Ecumenism hates the truth. Ecumenism hates all of Jesus, all the word of God. Ecumenism subtracts and adds to the word of God. Ecumenism constructs a god made in man’s own image.
Matthew 10:34 – “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.”
Ephesians 6:17 – “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”
Revelation 6:9 – “…the souls of them that were slain for the word of God…”
Revelation 20:4 – “…the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God…”
Isaiah 66:2 – “…but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at My word.”
John 14: 6- “…I am the way
Matthew 7:21-23 – “Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven. 22Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy name have cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works? 23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.”
Ecumenism sets up the religion of the antichrist
(From left to right: Greg Laurie, Tim LaHaye, Jerry Boykin, Joel Rosenberg, Skip Heitzig)
What is a high officer in the Vatican’s Jesuitical “Knights of Malta” doing, speaking at a Calvary Chapel sponsored “prophecy” event? Why is Greg Laurie endorsing “one world religion”, “pro-Vatican” Rick Warren? Why is Skip Heitzig inviting the emergent Leonard Sweet to speak at his conferences? Why is Brian Brodersen holding ecumenical events in England? Who is watching out for the flocks at Calvary Chapel or any of these other churches?
Check out the roots of all this. Watch “Riptide”.
Skip Heitzig is the host of “Riptide”. He is obviously connected with Boykin.
Who is Kathryn Kuhlman and why is she so important to the roots of the Calvary Chapel movement as revealed in Riptide? Please watch:
(Kathryn Kuhlman)
(Kathryn Kuhlman came on an official visit to the Vatican On October 11, 1972. She visited Pope Paul.)
(The above photos is of Benny Hinn in Toronto 1992. He was “anointed with powers” at the grave of Kathryn Kuhlman in 1991.)
These questions need to be answered.
2 Corinthians 11:14-15 – “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”
According to the Word of God Bible believing Christians should pray for those who have been caught in Satan’s trap. Some are caught and don’t know it, while some are caught and know it. The answer is for those who are deceived to repent and come to Jesus Christ – not the antichrist.
As we write this, there is a Calvary Chapel Pastor’s conference going on in southern California. This would be a good time to set things right.
Reader Comments (6)
What surprises me most is the lack of comments. Maybe they have been deleted. This is serious stuff.
Yes....this is very serious....but people are too busy with their lifestyles to think about the church and where it is heading. We are told we need "balance" in our lives. We are told what we should eat. We are told to buy "green". Some churchs are now telling their members to no longer eat red meat. Some say no pork. I left my former church because new age practices started appearing. Some churchs are actually sponsoring yoga, latin and middle eastern dance classes for women! "Single's coffee nite", shopping trips to major cities, cruises. Is this where Christ wants us to spend our time and money at this time? What happened to Christian accountability? What is going to happen to our next generation if their parents don't see what is happening to Christ's Church NOW? I have a family member who lost two daughters and their male friend by sucide in the past three weeks alone. Two professed to know Christ. PEOPLE....WAKE UP! Our Church's, schools, media and government are being invaded by Jesuits(demons) disguised as ministers, teachers, newsmen, politicians. Please pray that our Lord and Savior will open our eyes and expose the evil that is rapidly taking over our Nation to show us what we can do to help get the word out to the Church.
Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 12:00:02 -0400
Subject: Secret sign to be given when the ecumenica movement had successfully wiped out Protestantism
The first inauguration with a U.S. President facing the Washington Monument ( an image ) was started with Ronald Reagan and has continued to our current President. What does this symbolize? Chick Publications has The Alberto Series of Magazines, which has information from Alberto Rivera a former Jesuit and Bishop who was trained in the inner workings of the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church was looking for a signal when that through the ecumenical movement Protestantism was brought to an end in this country. The signal, according to Rivera, was when a U.S. President was sworn in facing the Washington Monument. It started with Ronald Reagan and has continued through our current President.
I guess I am slow because I am just now reading this thread, but does anyone have an update on this very disturbing situation with Calvary Chapel. I hope they have repented and turned away from Mr. Boykin. I have friends who are very active in CC here in the Dallas area.
Chris, I LOVE your documentaries and other works. I have to say I'm confused about this article though. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord in 1995 at a Calvary Chapel and have been attending a few different CC locations for the past several years. I haven't admittedly gone to a large one, except in the case of one my wife and I visited when we moved to CA about a yeah and a half ago because she is in the Navy. We didn't care for the atmosphere or the young pastor teaching out of a few different new versions of the Bible. Otherwise my experience at CCs has been amazing, every one I've been to has taught verse by verse, chapter by chapter through God's Word. They have not done any strange un-Biblical things like Pentecostal/TBN based churches do. The people are more sincere and Biblical people than most of the people I met in the several Southern Baptist churches I attended in TN over the years, and my wife says the same thing after growing up in the ignorant/mislead Assembly of God denomination.
All that said I've noticed some of the larger CCs doing some strange things in the last few years, most of it seems to be centered around Greg Laurie. This is one of many reasons why I am no fan of LARGE or MEGA churches. I believe they become to big and powerful for everyone not to give into financial temptations and the like. Now all this could just be a mistake and ignorance on the part of some CC pastors, none the less there is some lack of discernment somewhere. I personally tend to be in the Chuck Missler crowd when it comes to CC, he actually split off from them several years ago, but he still is invited to speak at CCs.
Anyway I would be interested to know how this pans out, please feel free to email me. Again, my wife and I LOVE your documentaries and other works! God bless brother.
I typed off of tapes what this man said about the Catholic Church, Calvary Chapel bringing Jesus Rock music into the church, the Illuminati, witchcraft, and so much more, . Below is some of what he said:
John Todd, an ex-Druid High Priest Witch said in 1978 at an Independent Baptist Church:
"I was saved Labor Day of 1972 in San Antonio through a movie, "The Cross and the Switchblade, a coffee house ministry that belonged to a Baptist church there and then later delivered through that Baptist church. I've been ministering with people in the occult, and in the last year, my main ministry has been to the Christians playing with the occult. [There is some evidence to believe that John Todd was murdered in late 1979, as was a student at Liberty Univ. who was passing around Todd’s tapes. Jerry Falwell was on Todd’s list of conspirators.] Please see the May 9, 2008 update
Tape 1A
Charismatic realm – There is feeling and not Word. They can’t understand why they don’t have any young people. They can’t understand why the young people are practicing witchcraft. It’s because they’ve never been taught the Word. They have been trying to give them a form of discipline without love – strong discipline, but no love to go with it and no Word -- just emotion. And then they wonder why somebody is saved 3 months and then in the world 3 months later. A good example of this is Melodyland. It’s got to be one of the worst churches – it and Calvary Chapel in the United States. At a whole Bible college, they teach nothing but emotion. They are theory. They don’t teach the Word.
Tape 1B
Now, I have done quite a bit of investigations since I was saved because of facts I learned when I was in witchcraft. Don't just look at obscene religions like Scientology, Jehovah Witness, Mormonism -- Look at Christian churches within Bible believing denominations. There was a couple "folk" Jesus people, garbage churches, that began a few years ago in L.A., Costa Mesa, so on. They had a few hundred kids. All of a sudden, the pastors move into half a million dollar homes, and the churches are taking their offerings out in armored cars. Now where did they get the funds to buy a two million dollar building over night? They were preaching Gospel -- now they are preaching trash. One of them is responsible for the so-called Jesus Rock that has ruined half of the good Christian young people today. Now I never have preached against anything unless I go check it out, and I went down to Coasta Mesa, and I saw something that bordered witchcraft on their open concert night at Calvary Chapel on Saturday night. There were people shoving and beating on each other just to get a seat in that place. And they turned hundreds away. Nothing was mentioned about Jesus and a homosexual was leading the service, and you had to be blind not to see it. And it was a total acid Rock type concert in the name of Jesus. Now that's the same group that puts out all your love songs on albums and on this stuff that people listen to.
So I try to warn about things we have found out. It is up to Christians. It is like Paul said, if you think meat is not a sin, then eat it. If you think it is, don't eat it. If you want to buy what I'm saying, I think your walk will get a little stronger. If you want to keep on listening to the stuff... I can look at Christians and tell how strong they are in the Lord and where they are walking with Him by the type of music they are listening to. And then I'm this way -- if I find something in my life that I don't want to give up, I'll usually give it up because it is that simple. When you don't want to give something up -- the devil's usually trying to get you to hang on to it.
Tape 2B
I get Pentacostals and Charismatics mixed up because I called Kathryn Kuhlman a witch. They want proof. An article that is done on faith healing or super natural power in "The Inquirer" must appear in person before the Council of the Grand Druids. How many know about Kuhlman's article several years ago in "The Inquirer?" You don't get in there without top approval from the board. That settles it right there, as far as I am concerned. I don't know about how you feel.
Tape 3B
Probably the strongest person in the Charismatic Movement is the man who led the Charismatic conference in Kansas City. The man who led that conference was a Catholic Cardinal. And when they elected Pope Paul, he lost by 2 votes. I don’t know if you know this, but Pope Paul is in critical condition. They are already talking about a new pope, and they are proclaiming him by a landslide – the leader of the Catholic Charismatic Movement – and by the way – the leader of MOST of the Charismatic Movement. He said 5 years ago at the Noterdam Conference – it is matter of public record, but they like to keep it from you, that give him 10 years, and he will have all of the churches as ONE – because of the CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT. That’s why the UNITING of the LIBERAL and the DESTRUCTION of the FUNDAMENTAL.
They used the Charismatic Movement to establish Jesus Rock. I had to deliver a 4 million dollar check that was the second 4 million dollar check that Chuck Smith that created Calvary Chapel and Marantha Productions received from the Illuminati. And he knew it was Illuminati money before you go out of here and say that he didn’t. The purpose of it was to build Maranatha Industries and Productions, which started Jesus Rock back when the Christian church was preaching against Rock music -- not knowing why, but preaching against it just the same and throwing it out of churches. That scared the Illuminati and the Occult world to death. At that time they almost thought their end had come because if that really happened within the Christian church, the Christian church would have the biggest mass revival of souls in the United States that this world has ever seen. That’s the purpose for Rock Music – to make sure that that never takes place. When that took place, they got scared. So they got smart, they thought. They built Jesus Rock, and you can take some of the top Jesus Rock songs, and you can play the same Rock songs over here, and it is the very same tune with new words stuck in it Now I want to give you a key that witches know about. The sign of the devil’s music, and they say of Lucifer’s music. It is not the words – it is the music. The power is in the music. The sign of Christian music is not the music – It is the words. That’s why one song written by a group will catch on and will bless Christians’ hearts and others won’t. The Illuminati doesn’t produce Rock music to entertain you. They don’t produce Rock music to make money. They don’t need that money. They own everything anyway. They do it to put demonic influence in your life. The music is a spell and every witch knows it. That’s why when somebody is saved out of the occult, and they say, “Pastor, what shall I do?” The pastor will say, “Burn everything that has to do with the occult.” That’s all the pastor says. And they’ll bring in their Rock records. Nobody has to tell them to do it. They were in witchcraft. They know what Rock music is.
Tape 1A
White magic and “black magic” is a Catholic term. When they were burning people at the stake for being witches, they wanted to protect themselves that practice it. So they invented the term “white witchcraft” or “white magic” and “black magic. The Catholic Church's altar, except for the Tommy or the knife, is the exact altar of witchcraft and according to the reports, I can get on the Nicene Council, most of the ministers of the Nicene Council that sets that heresy up were from the Temple of Diana, which is witchcraft. Everything -- the bells, the incense, the whole ritual, their Holy water is salt water mixture just comes from witchcraft which they do exorcism with. Everything that they do comes out of witchcraft and they can't get around it.
Tape 5B
Well, I am against the Catholic Church for one reason. Well it is two reasons. When I was in the Catholic Church, the occult world received a sanction from Pope Paul that white witchcraft was permissible for Catholics to practice. And second, I can watch Catholic Mass, I can go in and write our masses down, or rites in witchcraft and let you read them as they go through them in the Catholic Church. Most of the doctrine – the Doctrine of the Saints, the Doctrine of the Mighty Ones is in witchcraft. The Doctrine of the Wine being turned to blood – that is in witchcraft. Almost everything – the altar minus the knife is the only thing missing on the Catholic altar from the witchcraft altar. And in some countries, not America, not the knife but the scourge, which is also on the witchcraft altar is laid on the Catholic altar. And most all of the doctrine – the Doctrine of the Virgins – they are the nuns, the Doctrine of the Priesthood and so on. These all come from the temples of Diana in Rome and were invested into the Christian church at the Nisan Council. It was back when the witches got smart, and they said if we can’t beat them, we’ll join them. And they have been doing it ever since.