NOTR - Trump & The Counter Reformation - 10.18.16

A TIME magazine article calls the Trump/Pence ticket "the most Anti-Catholic Republican ticket in modern history." Is Trump facing such vehement opposition (from seemingly all sides) because his proposed policies are in direct conflict with elements of the Counter Reformation?
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Reader Comments (2)
The bible warned us of the synagogue of Satan within Revelation chapters 2, and 3 verse 9 within both chapters... Those who claim to be of Jewish descent, yet are not, and are liars... All one has to do is follow the money, and who runs the world via the central banks... Those who control the money supply care not about the laws of a nation...
Anyway, the 7th, and final empire (symbolized by the head with 10 horns) of the 7 headed beast that Babylon, or Satan rides is being formed as we speak... The Club of Rome (formed by the elite in 1968) has as their number one goal the world being separated into 10 regions... These 10 regions will be ruled by 10 kings... Which of course is the 10 horns of the beast in both Daniel, and Revelation, as well as the 10 toes of the image that King Nebuchadnezzar saw in a dream...
In the advent of time, and once this kingdom is established, Satan will give his authority to the beast, or man of sin... The one whose being will be possessed by the fallen one named Abaddon (meaning destroyer) in the Hebrew... Abaddon now resides in the bottomless pit, or the abyss until he is released by Satan when the 5th trumpet is blown... Revelation chapter 9... This is referred to as the first of three woes by God's Word...
Abaddon is the 8th king referred to within Revelation chapter 17... Remember that the beast that Satan, or Babylon rides is ultimately a spiritual kingdom that has been created by the devil in direct defiance of his CREATOR... The dragon is the creator of the system Babylon, and his daughters are the various political, religious, and secret societies that control this world... This evil system only succeeds when sin breeds, and is practiced by the majority of physical residents within this world... 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 refers to it as the mystery of lawlessness, and those who are seduced by it will indeed be given strong delusion by God Almighty, and will believe the lie simply because they did not love the TRUTH our Savior represents in every WAY...
All of this must come to pass as God Word has decreed... There is no stopping it.. Only preparation within one's inmost being... Jerusalem is the great city that will become the capital of this empire... God refers to this great city, from a spiritual perspective, as Sodom, and Egypt in Revelation chapter 11 verse 8... Only the return of our Messiah will end the reign of this empire, and for mankind's survival, as well as the for the "sake of the elect," this will come to pass at the blowing of the 7th, and last trumpet of the angel of God...
Until then, the saints preach the gospel of repentance through the Son of the Most High God, and rejoice... For the victory has already been won by our Savior Jesus Christ... We just have to ensure that we remain spiritually sober during this most deceptive time... The grand finale of Satan's scheme is yet to come, and will be quite convincing... So much so that if it were possible, even the elect could very well be deceived as our Redeemer points out in Matthew chapter 24...
Keep your lamps, and vessels full dear brethren.... The most trying time is yet to come... But with that, growth in Jesus Christ can certainly be accomplished, and for our benefit... If we rely upon the Spirit of God, and not the flesh...
Thanks Chris, and God bless to all...
The bible warned us of the synagogue of Satan within Revelation chapters 2, and 3 verse 9 within both chapters... Those who claim to be of Jewish descent, yet are not, and are liars... All one has to do is follow the money, and who runs the world via the central banks... Those who control the money supply care not about the laws of a nation...
Anyway, the 7th, and final empire (symbolized by the head with 10 horns) of the 7 headed beast that Babylon, or Satan rides is being formed as we speak... The Club of Rome (formed by the elite in 1968) has as their number one goal the world being separated into 10 regions... These 10 regions will be ruled by 10 kings... Which of course is the 10 horns of the beast in both Daniel, and Revelation, as well as the 10 toes of the image that King Nebuchadnezzar saw in a dream...
In the advent of time, and once this kingdom is established, Satan will give his authority to the beast, or man of sin... The one whose being will be possessed by the fallen one named Abaddon (meaning destroyer) in the Hebrew... Abaddon now resides in the bottomless pit, or the abyss until he is released by Satan when the 5th trumpet is blown... Revelation chapter 9... This is referred to as the first of three woes by God's Word...
Abaddon is the 8th king referred to within Revelation chapter 17... Remember that the beast that Satan, or Babylon rides is ultimately a spiritual kingdom that has been created by the devil in direct defiance of his CREATOR... The dragon is the creator of the system Babylon, and his daughters are the various political, religious, and secret societies that control this world... This evil system only succeeds when sin breeds, and is practiced by the majority of physical residents within this world... 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 refers to it as the mystery of lawlessness, and those who are seduced by it will indeed be given strong delusion by God Almighty, and will believe the lie simply because they did not love the TRUTH our Savior represents in every WAY...
All of this must come to pass as God Word has decreed... There is no stopping it.. Only preparation within one's inmost being... Jerusalem is the great city that will become the capital of this empire... God refers to this great city, from a spiritual perspective, as Sodom, and Egypt in Revelation chapter 11 verse 8... Only the return of our Messiah will end the reign of this empire, and for mankind's survival, as well as the for the "sake of the elect," this will come to pass at the blowing of the 7th, and last trumpet of the angel of God...
Until then, the saints preach the gospel of repentance through the Son of the Most High God, and rejoice... For the victory has already been won by our Savior Jesus Christ... We just have to ensure that we remain spiritually sober during this most deceptive time... The grand finale of Satan's scheme is yet to come, and will be quite convincing... So much so that if it were possible, even the elect could very well be deceived as our Redeemer points out in Matthew chapter 24...
Keep your lamps, and vessels full dear brethren.... The most trying time is yet to come... But with that, growth in Jesus Christ can certainly be accomplished, and for our benefit... If we rely upon the Spirit of God, and not the flesh...
Thanks Chris, and God bless to all...