NOTR - Trump, Pence, Kaine & The Jesuits - 10.6.16

Chris discusses the recent Vice Presidential debate between Mike Pence and the Jesuit-educated Tim Kaine. Hear audio of Kaine speaking about his Jesuit background, which he mentioned specifically during the debate. Also discussed are details of the political record of Governor Pence, as seen through the eyes of the radical left, as well as some of the polls since the first debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Most polls have Trump winning the debate -- some by a landslide -- yet the media continues to argue that somehow Hillary got the upper hand. Are the polls really trustworthy?
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Reader Comments (1)
Great show, Chris! I recall something about Pence that would require more looking into. A while ago Indiana passed a religious liberty bill to protect Christian business owners. But shortly after, due to liberal backlash and threats of business boycotts like what Carolina is currently receiving, Indiana passed a no-discrimination bill. It's been a while and I haven't followed it since, but at the time I recall a conservative article upset with Pence and saying that, after the non-discrimination bill, Christian business owners were worse off than before the religious liberty bill. Maybe someone else can provide more info on that situation...
I agree with you about the Trump debate. I thought he did great. I heard Trump supporters and anti-globalists saying he should have gone after Hillary harder, but I think he did just what he needed to do. At this point those of us who know what are going on are set on Trump, his goal has to be winning over the moderates and the conservatives who think he's not "presidential material." In the debate he did a great job responding to Hillary's false accusations that have been plaguing the mainstream media. Maybe he'll attack her more in the next debates, but if he goes full throttle attack mode on Hillary that could also push voters away...