NOTR - The Importance of History - 11.4.16

Chris discusses the great value of understanding the past, examining parts of the Book of Ezra. The enemies of Israel sought to stop the rebuilding of the city of Jerusalem and so wrote to King Artaxerxes, asking him to seek out the "book of the records" to learn that the city had a history of rebellion and should not be rebuilt. In response, the Jews would later write to King Darius, asking him to seek out other records that showed the rebuilding of the house of God at Jerusalem had been commanded by Cyrus the Great. On both sides, historic records were used to influence the decision of kings. How is the knowledge of history impacting our country today?
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Reader Comments (2)
Great show, Chris! Judges 11 is another account showing how important it is to know history...
Speaking of the importance of history.Could you comment on Steve Pieczenik's spin on the Civil War and Lincoln's character. He has the ear of many truthers who are Christian, and I fear a psyop might be in play.