NOTR - The Offense of the Gospel - 5.24.16
Chris discusses a new story about how the Archbishop of Canterbury has told Christians in the U.K. that they should not share their faith unless asked about it. The apparent context of his comments had to do with an ecumenical gathering of leaders from different faiths (Muslims, Hindus, etc.,) and so Christians were instructed not to offend the unbelievers. The U.K. Express reported, "Christians ordered to keep faith quiet ..." But is such an approach in keeping with a Biblical standard? How did the apostles witness in the first century? Did they keep quiet in the face of idolatry? Or did they speak against it? Jesus warned that believers would be hated by all men for His name's sake (Matthew 10:22). How is the politically correct ecumenical movement impacting the Gospel? "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ ..." (Romans 1:16)
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Reader Comments (2)
These ecumenical compromises remind me of Rick Warren's seeker friendly church model. The first to go out of these churches is The Great Commission.
All true revival in both Old and New Testament times has been a return to the absolute authority of God’s written Word. The absolute authority of God’s written Word was normative for the Old Testament saints. Likewise, the absolute authority for Christ Jesus and for the apostles was God’s written Word and that alone. It is of utmost importance to understand that because of mankind’s utterly lost condition, God has deemed it fit to make Himself, His will and purpose known only through His written Word. While God can be known through general revelation, which is revealed in creation, His nature, character and sovereign purpose in salvation and sanctification are known only through His written Word.