NOTR - Islamophobia: Doorway to Sharia - 1.30.17

Chris discusses a new story about how Canada is progressing towards outlawing so-called "Islamophobia" -- the allegedly irrational fear that causes people to speak against Islam. In America, the Democratic party also attempted to pass such a law with H.R. 569 that would have condemned "hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States." While this attempt at imposing a covert form of Sharia has been shelved in our country, it appears to be making headway north of the border. Could such a law eventually be adopted in America?
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Reader Comments (1)
Hi Chris, Not sure if your aware of some information I found on line that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada is a convert to Islam. I've seen pictures of him in Muslim service on his knees. If this is true, it would only confirm the direction Canada is taking toward outlawing free speech concerning Islam. Sad for Canada!!
All these countries taking in these Muslim refugees are only destroying their own culture and way of life. NWO Marxist Communist partnering with Islam might find themselves coming up on the short end of the stick! I believe their playing with fire! All these elite leaders bringing refugees in might build their walls and fortresses (Speaker Paul Ryan for one) and have their security details, BUT THEIR ONLY FOOLING THEMSELVES!! "Because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved, and for this cause God (Himself) shall send them strong delusion that they should believe the LIE!!!!! That they all might be damned who received not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness!!!!! 11 Thess 2:10-11-12
Today I'm personally thanking God for President Donald Trump and praying for his protection and for wisdom, courage and determination to continue to honor his promises to the American people who voted for him. So far I believe he is doing a great job!!!