NOTR - Obama & The Betrayal of Israel - 1.5.16

Today's Show: OBAMA & THE BETRAYAL OF ISRAEL - 1.5.16
Chris discusses the recent controversy over the Obama administration's treatment of Israel at the United Nations just weeks before the current president is to leave office. Israel's Prime Minister has argued that the entire affair was orchestrated by the Obama administration -- which has refused to acknowledge that the city of Jerusalem is part of Israel -- from the beginning. Is the activity of the United Nations against Israel the fulfillment of Bible prophecy?
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Reader Comments (1)
Thank you, will listen again! About the UN troops standing, watching events.. They are population
control people. The Georgia Guidestones, in Georgia, USA, states the goals of the globalists.
You mentioned Rwanda. I watched the movie, Hotel Rwanda, twice. When Pres. Obama
commented, one day, a few years ago, during a speech, "its like going over a bump in the road", the movie
scenes rushed in! Rwanda was a massive population control event !
All need to see this film as it is an accurate account, done by people
who survived...
Mr. Pinto, Sir, thank you, again, for all you have done, are doing, and will do.
Blessings, from one grandmother is Texas.. ! aka civilian boots on the ground... smiling