NOTR - The Reformation & Islam - 11.4.17

Today's Show: THE REFORMATION & ISLAM - 11.4.2017
Chris discusses the recent Jihad attack in New York City, along with a new article that suggests that the Protestant Reformation was somehow responsible for the modern acceptance of Islam in the Western world. The argument is that supposedly the Roman Church was fighting against Islam but was hindered from doing so because of the Reformation. The fact that Rome murdered many millions of Christians (more than Islam) is strangely omitted. Also the fact that Luther openly condemned Muhammadism, and encouraged Christians to fight (spiritually and literally) to the death in resisting it is overlooked. Perhaps most important is the fact that it was Protestant Reformed countries that disabled the Ottoman Empire and, by the grace of God, elevated the Christian world through modern science to a position free from the threat of Islam -- as acknowledged by Winston Churchill in the 20th century. However, since Rome launched the ecumenical movement through Vatican Council II, the door was opened wide to the Islamic world and has encouraged the systematic invasion of the West.
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