NOTR - Socialism & Sharia - 2.7.17

Chris discusses the ongoing alliance between the leftwing Socialists and Islam. A radical Islamic preacher at an anti-Trump protest in Canada spoke against the Trump immigration ban and called for a seditious uprising among followers. He shouted to "break down the borders that keep out migrants and refugees" and to "seize the farms and the factories!" He said they need to: "Become the enemies that they have nightmares about!" While Canada is known for its hate speech laws, somehow this sort of rhetoric is permitted. Meanwhile radical protestors have taken to marching with red signs that read "Build the Resistance Against Trump" and promote a "SOCIALIST ALTERNATIVE" for society.
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Reader Comments (2)
Great show, Chris! I just checked out the Super bowl score every once and a while. I used to REALLY be into the NFL with fantasy football leagues, but was really turned off when they threatened to move the super bowl out of Arizona if they passed a religious liberty bill. I eventually quit all my fantasy leagues and sold all my NFL merchandiser.
I agree the common ground the Progressives and Hijrah Islamists have is direct opposition to Judeo-Christian values. It seems to be such an unholy alliance between two diametrically opposed ideologies. But if one takes off the Progressive mask of tolerance, gay-female-minority-free speech rights, one clearly sees the face of tyrannical Marxism. I see both progressive and Islamist organizations as being daughters of Mystery Babylon.