NOTR - The Abomination of Desolation - 7.20.17

Chris discusses the ongoing effort to overthrow Christian civilization through the massive wave of Islamic immigration, that appears to continue full steam ahead, even with President Trump in the White House. But it is not merely the presence of Muslim immigrants that is the cause for concern, but more importantly, the ideological teachings that have crept steadily into the churches as a result. Ecumenical and interfaith dialogues are apparently aimed -- not just at understanding Islam, but rather -- blending Islam with Christianity. Last year, the Presbyterian Church USA specifically offered up "prayers to Allah" and prayed in the names of both Jesus and Mohammed. Do such events foreshadow the warning of Christ in the New Testament, of the "abomination of desolation" that will one day stand in the holy place? Can it be said that this is what's happening even now, at a spiritual level?
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Reader Comments (2)
Our ministry rents a Presbyterian Church. Their pastor told us last year that at a conference for the denomination they had Muslim prayer like that. The church we're renting from was considering changing to a different Presbyterian branch.
Chris, you need to ask the question: Why Paul? Does not Apostle Paul lay claim to a dispensational change in Eph 3? The Gospel of Grace of which the Body of Christ (the New Man) is being formed, the Living Spiritual Temple of God. The Gospel of the Kingdom revolves around Israel and her physical literal Kingdom of which Christ will Rule on the Throne of David. The Body of Christ (the Bride) will be raptured out prior to the Wrath of God, (Jacob's Trouble) I firmly believe the 144,000 will complete the Great Commission, the Gospel of the Kingdom preached and then the end will come.
IITimothy 2:15 Other than that, Love your Radio Show and all your research. Melody Luecke