NOTR - The Dumbing Down of America - 8.22.17

Today's Show: THE DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA - 8.22.2017
Chris discusses the movement in our country to discourage "study" and the pursuit of true education, as the steady decline in our schools strongly suggests a coordinated plan to dumb down the American people. While independent journalists have warned about this for years, even mainstream sources have acknowledged the problem, along with its political motivations. All of this is considered in light of the Scriptures that admonish believers to study to show ourselves approved unto God (2 Timothy 2:15). Yet in most modern translations, the word "study" has been removed and replaced with phrases such as "do your best" and "be diligent" or "make every effort" to show yourself approved, etc. Have the modern Bible translations been a foreshadowing of the decline in American education?
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