NOTR - The Truth About Colonization - 8.9.17

A Muslim activist has declared Muslims to be an "oppressed" people and victims of "colonization." The controversial subject of colonialism is typically presented as an accusation against the American, British and European countries. If one listens carefully, it is only the historically Christian nations that are guilty of this alleged "sin." Yet what are the facts of history? In reality, Christian people have (through colonization) established the most free and successful countries on earth - the places that most of the immigrants are trying to get into. In contrast, the Marxists and the Muslims have likewise engaged in their own colonization, but have produced some of the most miserable places anywhere in the world, using the most inhuman methods. The hypocrisy is obvious by any honest examination of history. Is the left is merely engaging in psychological warfare in its ongoing attempts to demoralize the United States and the West?
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