NOTR - Trump, Psychiatry & The Soviet Union - 1.11.18

Today's Show: TRUMP, PSYCHIATRY & THE SOVIET UNION - 1.11.2018
Chris discusses a new story from Frontpage Mag on the use of psychiatry as a weapon against political enemies in the former Soviet Union. The article parallels the Communist method with the current arguments against President Trump that he is somehow psychologically unfit to serve as commander and chief. Also discussed are the various "phobias" claimed by the left against their enemies (Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, etc.,) along with additional claims that those who deny global warming are also suffering from mental instability. Is the current wave of psychological accusations merely additional proof of the Communist infiltration of the United States? And will these assertions of mental instability become weaponized politically by the left, in order to punish their opponents?
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