NOTR - Catholics, Protestants & Transubstantiation - 3.5.18

Chris discusses a new story developing within the Catholic Church. While proponents of the Ecumenical movement have repeatedly attempted to argue that Evangelicals believe the same thing as Roman Catholics, the more traditional Cardinal Ludwig Muller says that partaking in the Catholic communion service is still "closed" to Protestants. The story is a reminder of the deep doctrinal differences between Evangelicals and Rome that date back to the great Reformation. During the Inquisition era, the doctrine of transubstantiation (the idea that the communion host becomes the literal presence of Christ) was the number one reason "heretics" were arrested and condemned. Also discussed are stories pertaining to the recent push for more gun control along with the current attacks against the Second Amendment.
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Reader Comments (1)
Please do some research on why Prince William is making a trip to Israel at this time...particularly since/after President Trump made his decision to move USA embassy to Jerusalem, creating mega dialogue...Jerusalem being a burdensome stone worldwide. My quest is in reference to the late Joan Veon's little paperback book entitled THE SUSTAINABLE PRINCE and the 1998 publication by Tim Cohen entitled THE ANTICHRIST AND A CUP OF TEA...very highly researched AND credible coverage of Prince Charles' covert activities as the #1 globalist on the planet, over the past many years dealing with the the London Agreement, Madrid Peace talks, the Oslo accords, the UN, ecumenicism, the Illuminati, weird background pronouncements as being of the Merovingian lineage, strange symbolic heraldry, covert activities, Middle East intervention plus much more..particularly after your statement about his being the "ecumenical patron". He's more than that!!
As an Anglican being touted as the Father of THE FAITH, he prefers the title of Father of Faith. Check into his Brazilian trip in 2002 and the statue of him with the title "Savior of he World " which he unashamedly accepted when he was presented with it by the state gov't of Brazil You've spoken in an incredulous manner about him and his activities in past episodes.
On a somewhat recent Infowars, Alex Jones (Timothy Alberino also interviewed him for one of Skywatch/GenSix's DVD's) had the Italian gent he met on his trip to Rome, Italy and who he's interviewed in the past..insider, Leo Zagami. He made a very enlightening statement @ two plus hours into the pgm about who Trump's worst enemies are: the royal family and the Vatican. Seemingly they're behind everything that is against President Trump. Also there is a lot of chatter about the Saudis' huge archealogical/building endeavor... the city called NEOM. I realize that you take a more historicist view rather than a futuristic one of apocalyptic literature but it is a worthwhile endeavor these days to know what's going on and who the major players are.
Please see if you can get a copy of Cohen's book (Prophecy House publishers, I believe) to review. If it's out pf print, which I doubt, I'll send you my beaten up one, marked throughout. You will be fascinated and well informed after reading it. If you decide not to publish my comment, that's OK but at least I've accomplished my desire to inform you of this.
Linda L.