NOTR - Resurrection Sunday - 4.2.18

Today's Show: RESURRECTION SUNDAY - 4.2.2018
Chris discusses Resurrection Sunday (also known as "Easter") with a focus on the Biblical and historical accounts of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and its importance to our faith as believers. What does the New Testament tell us about the doctrine of the resurrection? Was the resurrection only a "spiritual" event, as some have asserted? Or was Jesus raised up bodily from the dead? Also, what have historians and researchers in the past had to say about the Gospel accounts given by the Apostles? With all our Christian brethren, we celebrate -- He is risen!
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Reader Comments (1)
The additions of Christmas and Easter and Sunday observance as somehow necessary to explain the major events in the life of Christ are unnecessary additions which seem to acknowledge that God had not foreseen these events when he gave His annual festivals and Sabbath day to Israel. These Sabbaths truly picture the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and His ministry. God says those Feasts are His Feasts not some invention of man or Israel. Zechariah 14 pictures a day when the nations of the world must observe one of these Feasts or they will suffer drought. This happens after the return of Christ. Why are Christians trying to reinvent the wheel by creating separate and distinct days when God has already ordained the heavenly pattern in His Holy Days, the Temple (layout and service) and others? Jeroboam also monkeyed with the system and Israel paid the consequences. Daniel spoke of a time when days and times would be changed. The Romish system accomplished it and it is called Christian. Thanks for your service