NOTR - Kavanaugh: Trump's SCOTUS Pick, Jesuit Trained - 7.16.18

Chris discusses some of the background of President Trump’s nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who attended an elite Jesuit prep school prior to entering Yale University. As we have noted before, the Jesuits educate many people and not all of them embrace their leftist ideology. Will it matter with Judge Kavanaugh? We discuss his record, including his strong stand on the Second Amendment. Also discussed is the influence of Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court, with his decisions on Roe v. Wade and the gay "marriage" ruling. Since the courts have been the traditional path for progressives to further their Marxist ideologies, the choice of who sits on the highest court in the land is of no small issue to the Christian community. The judges appointed by the Trump administration could dramatically impact the direction of our nation for the next half century.
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