Today's Show: THE BLOOD OF THE MARTYRS - 3.23.2019
Chris discusses the rising tide of persecution against Christians around the world, with reports of attacks against believers in Nigeria, India and elsewhere. It is now reported that persecution against believers in Jesus Christ is worse now than ever before in history. We review Revelation chapter six and what it foretold through the souls crying out beneath the altar of God in Heaven. The evidence from the Bible and history strongly suggests we are witnessing the fulfillment of prophecy before our very eyes, in these tragic current events. Also discussed are some of what independent conservative media reports about persecution against churches and believers that is largely overlooked by mainstream media.
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Reader Comments (1)
I was so excited to hear the this sermon. I feel the end of this age is so close!
The classical interpretation of the rider is also very close. Look at the symbols of the rider and compare them to the branch of Joseph in Gen 49, note that his is the fruitful branch in the Christian era, and the white horse is a symbol of military victory.
Now, look at Gen 48 and note Ephraim is many nations and Manasseh is a great nation. Briton is the Christian commonwealth (the crown of Joseph's head) and the United States is the great nation.
There is more, but God tells what shall be at the end in the beginning of scripture so we will know He is God.