Today's Show: EZEKIEL, TURKEY, GOG & MAGOG - 5.01.2019
Chris discusses Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 in light of recent events involving Turkey, and the saber rattling of Erdogan and his supporters against the Christian and Jewish world. Prophecy teachers have for centuries believed that the territory of the Turks could very well be the northern powers that come to invade Israel, according to Scriptures. It has been reported that the Turkish youth are proclaiming a desire to return to the Battle of Vienna (i.e. openly invade Western Europe), and to conquer London, Paris and New York. Meanwhile, Turkish politicians have spoken openly of their desire to invade the Greek islands, while still others have called for the invasion of Jerusalem. Could all of this rhetoric be setting the stage for the fulfillment of prophecy?
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Reader Comments (1)
Enjoyed your podcast on Ezekiel, Turkey, Gog and Magog. You made mention of the ruthlessness of the Ottomans but they met their match in 1402 at the battle of Ankara against Tamerlane, the Central Asian conqueror. He thoroughly whipped the Ottomans. Keep up the great work.