Today's Show: JESUITS & THE RWANDA GENOCIDE - 04.10.2023
April marks the 29th anniversary of the Rwanda Genocide. Chris discusses the troubling history of the Roman Catholic Church, and the Jesuits in particular, in the Rwanda genocide of 1994. We discuss how the groundwork for the tragedy was laid decades earlier, going back to the 1950's, when Catholic priests began to teach racially divisive propaganda to the Hutus and Tutsis. Over time, these teachings were politicized and inspired outbursts of violence and murder, even years prior to 1994. We also consider the role of the Clinton administration as the genocide happened, whose members included a host of agents from the Jesuit's Georgetown University in Washington D.C. Georgetown professor, Madeline Albright was the U.S. ambassor to the United Nations and played a pivotal role in preventing U.N. forces from interfering while the killings took place. Most disturbing is the fact that many of the elements of the genocidal propaganda in Rwanda can be seen at work in America's education system today.
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