NOTR - Trump & Saudi Arabia - 5.22.17

Today's Show: TRUMP & SAUDI ARABIA - 5.22.2017
Chris discusses the recent trip taken by President Donald Trump to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Trump Administration has announced a multi-billion dollar arms deal with the Saudis, which will allow them to build up their military forces. But is this a wise agreement? Critics argue that Saudi Arabia has financed the promotion of Wahhabi Islam (the most extreme form of Muhammadism) in countries throughout the world. Also, most of the hijackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia, and it is reported that their funding most likely came from their country of origin. We consider that when the once Christian city of Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453, it was largely because the Muslims had obtained weapons of mass destruction from a Western engineer. Could there be a danger in providing arms for a country that may one day become a future enemy to the United States?
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