NOTR - Judaism, Gnosticism & The Gospel - 8.24.16

Chris continues his discussion about the Apostle Paul's warning concerning those who come preaching another Jesus and another Gospel. In his second letter to the Corinthian Church, Paul reveals that the false teachers he confronts are Hebrews and Israelites. How is it that their teaching was compared to the serpent's lie in the Garden of Eden? The record of Scripture gives us clues about the history of Jewish apostasy in the Old Testament, as the children of Israel fell into idolatry. At the same time, some modern histories trace Jewish Gnosticism to a pre-Christian era. Was the apostle Paul warning about "Jewish Gnostics" in the first century?
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Reader Comments (3)
Wow! You are blowing the lid off all of this secret darkness!
I have some questions for you:
1. Do you think that the secret religion of Nazi Germany (for gentiles and jews) was hinduism? (Demons, alternative reality from the bible, and self-worship).
2. Do you think that hinduism is a relocation from babylon of the old babylon religion, eg. do you think the muslim and egyptian demon gods can be traced to babylon and modern hinduism today?
3. Do you think that spiritual practices like witchcraft, sexual immorality, halal food, yoga postures, mind-clearing/altering meditation, self-worship/self-esteem, evolution, and a repudiation of the bible and God's laws, gospel and Lord Jesus Christ, are spiritual practices derived from babylon? (I personally know these bring demons into a person)
4. Do you think babylonian religion is an evolution (same nature, different face), of the religion of Babel?
5. Do you think that the religion of Babel was spirit/angel worship, sun, moon, star worship?
6. If so, do you think that the religion of Babel was a limited form of the watcher/giant rebellion before the flood?
7. The book of Isaiah says that there will be giants again on the earth (as a punishment to the inhabitants), do you believe that there will be a release of the enchained angels after the millenium to fill the judgement on Satan and his angels?
God bless you, you are working on some deep things!
Chris; Always enjoy your broadcasts It is not only the Cabala but also the Talmud used in Judaism today which is the mixture of Babylonian texts and Tora
Chris, I have been a fan for years and am very glad to hear you talking about this and hope you will do so more. In my opinion identifying these groups and more importantly how they are related is critical. The Jesuits are a huge part of this story but not the only part. Although it is conveniently left off more mainstream sources (like Wikipedia for instance) it's important to note that Ignatius of Loyola was a converso. Many of the strange, esoteric exercises he practiced and taught his subjects are from the Kabbalah and ancient mysteries. It was only after learning this connection that the story started to become whole for me.