NOTR - The Gospel & The Lost - 8.26.16

Chris discusses Paul's second letter to the Corinthians, where he says that "... if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost ..." (2 Cor. 4:3) He goes on to declare that the "god of this world" has blinded those who do not believe. What are some of the instruments of unbelief that we find in modern times? Also discussed is the new film, "Bridge to Babylon" and the subject of modern textual criticism. Can it be said that modern critics are often guilty of inspiring questions and doubts about whether or not the Bible is truly the Word of God?
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Reader Comments (1)
I use the Brenton's Septuagint for the old testamant and my family has finished reading Isaiah (Esias) at the dinner table.
I remember in several places that it said that "they" would seek to change 1. the times, 2. the law, 3. the eternal covenant.
Do you think:
1. Times: There are about 2000 years more in the Septuagint than in the Masorete (thus putting Jesus's arrival into the seventh millenium).
2. Law: Marten Woudstra (translating the NIV), changed the male-male sex passages to obscure or promote his "loving male-male" sex-is-not-sin theology.
3. Eternal Covenant: (diatheke kainos) If the alternate translation of "New Testament" is "New Covenant", do you think Westcott and Hort's work on changing the new testament refers to men seeking to change the "eternal covenant'?
I really enjoy your show -- it causes me to re-think the things that I have been taught or believed.
God bless you and give you power!