Today's Show: - THE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SHOW - 12.25.2019
Chris discusses our national tradition of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ during the Christmas holiday. For many, it is a time filled with holiday cheer and family gatherings; yet for others, they see what they perceive to be a corruption left over from the old pagan world. Some say it is the feast of Saturnalia (even though the feast ended on December 23rd and had nothing to do with the 25th). Yet others claim that Christmas trees are warned about in the book of Jeremiah and somehow represent Asherah poles from the ancient world (even though Jeremiah spoke of idols, and Asherah poles look nothing like Christmas trees). Is Christmas really based on paganism? Or is it an entirely Christian holiday developed by the early churches to remember the blessing that God has given to all people (Luke 2:10) through the birth of His Son?
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